Autumn is a second spring when every leaf’s a flower.
~ Albert Camus
Shopping at this time of year is a feast for the eyes with all the autumnal floral finery and home decor everywhere you look. Every season brings its own unique hues and textures – just amazing.
It got me to thinking about the seasons of our lives as well – whether it be major seasons like childhood, marriage, senior citizenship, etc. OR the smaller more subtle phases that vary from person to person. Like those times you or I may have when we feel sad or not very pretty or like we’re getting older. Or like last week, when I had two pimples on my chin that I kept thinking looked like two boobies!
Here’s what got my attention! As in all the seasons of His creations, God creates you and I to be beautiful both inside and out in each and every phase and season of our lives, even if we do have booby bumps on our chins (or stretch marks, wrinkles, divorce papers, screaming children, messy houses, etc.)! We just have to remember how special we are to HIM and re-face our lives knowing that and behaving as such!

So, as I enjoy this Fall season and all the beauty to be found, I’m going to let it remind me of how God’s love is right there waiting to RENEW us in every season, every day, every moment if needed. And that, no matter how I may see myself at the moment, God has me where He wants me to be – He wants me to trust in Him and flourish there under His loving care! Won’t you join me in these thoughts as Autumn comes?