so today, I love....
~small, quiet coffee shops full of quaint aromas, and lulling music that quiets your soul
~the thought of pumpkin spiced anything
~the brisk, cleansing air of a new fall morning
~Thanksgiving & counting all the blessings that I am thankful for this year alone
~the fall leaves that delicately fall on my windshield. Thankful for change and new beginnings
~hearing sweet words of encouragement from my kids and knowing that God blessed me with being their mom
~getting too small for my britches....or my britches getting too big for me =)
~being part of something way bigger than me.....God still makes the sun stand still today
~to be surrounded by friends that encourage, inspire, and challenge me to be the person God intended for me to be.
~being outside in the beautiful fall air unless it involves getting gas, then, I dread it so often my gas gauge looks like this
Hope everyone has a blessed Wednesday.....
Gotta love the fall!! There is so much beauty to enjoy!