Sharing my faith with my children is one of my favorite things about being a mother. But sometimes, expressing the beauty of the Gospel to a seven-year-old boy with the attention span of a fruit fly leaves me shaking my head. The following conversation actually happened this week:
Little Man: Do people have eyeballs in Heaven?
Me: Probably not like we have them now, but we will certainly be able to see what is going on around us in Heaven.
Little Man: Do people sleep on clouds?
Me: I don't know. Maybe. The Bible doesn't tell us a whole lot of specific things about Heaven, but we know it will be a million times better than earth.
Little Man: Bad guys in jail don't go to Heaven.
Me: Well, they do if they ask God to forgive them for their sins and ask Jesus into their heart. We're all sinners, whether we're a bad guy in jail or not...
Little Man: If they don't love Jesus, they'll go to hell and the devil will keep them in a cave.
Me: Well, something like that. Do you understand how we get to Heaven?
Little Man: You die.
Me: Well, yes, but how do you get to go there when you die?
Little Man: You love Jesus.
Me: [thinking we're finally getting somewhere] Yes, you love Jesus, and you ask him to forgive you for your sins, and you invite Him to live in your heart.
Little Man: So are we happy that Jesus died on the cross?
Now, there's one for the theologians. Any takers?
Me: I'm not happy that Jesus had to suffer, but I'm sure thankful he was willing to go through that to pay for my sins.
Little Man: [Thoughtful pause]. Oh. So, are ninjas real?
And...evidently the moment has passed.
The Art of Repairing Broken Things
8 years ago
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