Saturday, February 26, 2011

My thoughts just for today

~In this family, we're pretty serious about the game of slugbug/2010 Camaro. I mean, we're really serious-we even have official rules (complete with 5 second rule & dealership clause). I even use a "whereas" and "herein". You can't argue with a "whereas" & a "herein". Have I mentioned, that I am winning but barely? My 11 year old is sneaking up on me.

~I love that I have friends that get me sometimes more than I get myself

~Francesca Battistelli has the perfect theme songs for my life....Free to Be Me & This is the Stuff = my life exactly

~I have so many passions laid in my heart that sometimes I feel that I may burst at the seems but this is how I know that God has something AMAZING planned for me. I will just continue to burst =)

~Truth be known, I miss being married.

~I love love love working with youth but as a leader sometimes I get scared that I am transparent and they will know that I'm not perfect. I think that is why God calls me and maybe also, that I like acting a little goofy from time to time.

~God loves cool is that?

~I love gazing at the stars in bewilderment but I am deathly afraid of aliens, so I'm out for the new alien movie coming out

~I miss my grandpa and how he called me Cathy Jo Pisshead and loved me unconditionally.

~Music that I'm loving right now....Adelle's new CD, Black Keys, Mumford & Sons, & Bruno Mars.

~My favorite quote for this day....
"As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost and when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going." -Carrie Bradshaw

~and don't EVER forget

1 comment:

  1. The imperfections we see are what make you a great leader. Students need adults that make it known that we're all sinners and that just because God is using you as a role model, you're still imperfect and God is constantly working on you and us at the same time. I love you Cathy Dill.
